3 Career Paths To Consider That Don’t Require College

If you’re ready for a change in life, chances are you have been considering a new career. Maybe the thought of finding money to pay for college is holding you back, or perhaps you’d like to start working sooner rather than later. If that’s the case, here are three potential job paths that are worth considering. You won’t need a four-year degree and have the possibility of finishing your studies in a year or less.

1. Study Medical Billing and Coding

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the growth outlook is much faster than average for medical coding and billing. That makes this a good career to think about if you are seeking work in a field that shows no signs of slowing down. If you’ve ever thought about work in the medical field but were put off by the amount of education required, this might be an ideal position. 

2. Choose a Career as a First Responder

Firefighters, police, and EMTs are all first responder positions that make a difference in local communities. In education for these types of careers, you study specific topics and have practical training that prepares you for this line of work, such as how to put out a building that is on fire for firefighter certification Texas. Individuals looking for a career that keeps them on their toes and requires quick thinking should consider these fields.

3. Consider Getting a CNC Certification

Another career option that is fast-growing and in need of skilled workers is CNC, short for computer numerical control. These manufacturing positions, although requiring certification, are very hands-on. If you’d rather work with your hands and don’t want to spend a lot of time in class, this could be a good choice.

There are many different types of positions that allow you to get to work right away without spending years in college. If you’re looking for something new, consider one of these options.


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